Sheila's Soups

Carrot and Tatty Soup

2 carrots
a bit of turnip
1 onion
4 medium tatties
some oil
Dice / chop / slice the vegetables.
Heat oil in soup pan.
Add the onion and cook till it goes clear.
Add other vegies.
sweat them up for a few mins.
Make up 2 pints of your favourite Knorr Stock chicken/beef/vegitarian/ham (2 or 3 cubes).
Boil it all up until vegetables are soft.
Mash it up a bit or stick in blender
Add salt and pepper to taste.

Lentil and Stuff Soup

1 cup red lentils
2 carrots
A bit of turnip
1 onion
Make up 2 pints of your favourite Knorr Stock chicken/beef/vegitarian/ham (2 or 3 cubes). Sheila prefers ham!
Boil until lentils go down to nothing.
Add salt and pepper to taste.