Terry Lewin - 40 Years Old

One night in November 2002 a surprise birthday party was held for Terry "Cedric" Lewin
These are just some of the photos from that night.
Click on the pic to see a bigger one if your eyesight isn't what it used to be.

Amos, Jugs & TatI love being old, meAlex & Wayne's Armpit
Eamon/JR/Rick Astley & JoRuff & PatChris & Debbie
Ruff & DebbieEnough of that!Flasher!
We're behind youRuff & SueEh?
I can stand, honestTerry's in the middle - that's why they're all smilling

Pics and website by Steve Rae, 26th December 2002
Feel free to download/print/whatever any of these pictures.
If you would like the full size (about 400k) images then send an e-mail to steve@kimnsteve.co.uk